Sunday, September 21, 2014

Coming soon to an airport near you.....NextGen

NextGen, which is short for Next Generation Air Transportation System, is a program that is currently being implemented around the United States that is transiting older technology of ground based navigation, which has been in use for quite a while, to newer GPS based navigation.  This will allow ATC as well as aircraft to get a much better idea of their current position, speed and direction.  Airports will be able to have aircraft land in closer proximity to each other, which will allow more flights in and out of airports helping to relieve congestion in the ground and in the air.    

NextGen will have a large impact on both commercial as well as general aviation.  Both will be able to fly into weather conditions that older land based positioning systems might not allow them to fly into.  Both commercial and general aviation flights can be filed more direct which can save not only time, fuel as well help cut emissions.  With ATC being able to have a better fix on aircraft locations, the skies will be safer for all aircraft.  All aircraft that will use NextGen will have to have newer technology to allow it to communicate with the new system.  This should not be a problem with air carriers as the majority of their fleet is equipped with the newest technology.  Many general aviation aircraft owners will have to pay for their equipment to be updated for the NextGen system, which can be rather expensive.  

NextGen will impact my future job at airports all around the United States.  As an airport manager, depending on what type and how many new approaches will be installed at the airport, NextGen will have a direct effect on the type and number of aircrafts that can land at the airport in less than ideal conditions.  This would allow airports to stay in operations in more weather situations, which will help keep the air carriers and passengers getting to and from their destinations.  More information about how the FAA foresees NextGen working for airports can be found at:

The debate as to who should fund the NextGen project has been a hot topic for a while now.  It is difficult to say exactly who should fund the project as it has such an impact on the whole aviation industry.  Commercial air carriers, corporate, cargo and general aviation will all benefit to the updated NextGen system so it would make logical sense to incorporate all the users of NextGen into the funding of the project.  There are many different options on how to fund NextGen, and personally I believe that federal funds should sponsor the largest portion of the project as the FAA will be the primarily agency overseeing the operation of the NextGen system.  The FAA could accomplish this by taxing all fuel sold a certain percent to aircrafts across the United States as well as taking a percent of aircraft registration towards funding.  Airports will be utilizing the NextGen system, so they should foot some of the bill as well.  Airports could raise these funds by increasing landing fees, as well as allocating some of their budget towards the NextGen project. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice discussion about how NextGen may impact the management side of things.
