Saturday, September 6, 2014


I am a senior at Eastern Michigan University studying Aviation Management.  I first got into aviation at a young age as my parents took me to Oshkosh, WI when I was about 5 years old for the EAA fly-in.   As a child I always dreamed that I would grow up and become an airline pilot, however my interests changed and I focused my studies elsewhere eventually obtaining a degree in Human Nutrition.  I worked in the healthcare field for a number of years before relocating to Michigan with my wife.  It was during this time that I found my interests once again leaning towards aviation.  While relocating to Michigan, that I found that Eastern Michigan University offered a degree in Aviation Management so I figured if I was going to change careers, now was the time!

My wife and I have a new addition to our family with a week old baby currently taking up a rather large chunk of our time.  It will be interesting balancing work, study and family, which will require greater organization and time management.  But I could not be happier. 

I am excited for AVT 422 senior seminar, which I feel will help establish networking that will be beneficial when looking to start my career upon graduation.  My goal for the class are to finalize my resume and cover letter, as well as explore as many different aspects of aviation as possible before concentrating my job search. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice intro and I can obviously relate to your work/life balance having a four-year old and 17-month old twins of my own. Congratulations! Hang on - it's quite a ride.Yes, this course will provide you with many networking opportunities. Enjoy!
