Sunday, November 2, 2014

Cargo Operations

1) As a result of the Colgan Air accident, the FAA institute new flight and duty regulations. Summarize  these new regulations and describe how they are different from the old flight and duty regulations.
Airlines had two years to start the new rest and duty rules of their pilots.  These new rules place more rules on the number of rest a pilot must have.  The new rule requires that pilots get at least 10 hours between their shifts.  Of those 10 hours of rest, 8 have to be uninterrupted rest.  This means that the 8 hours would not start until the flight crew is at the hotel and resting, unlike previously where the rest period would begin the second the pilots stepped off the aircraft.  In addition to these rules, pilots now must have 30 consecutive hours of rest each week that they work. 
2) Cargo carriers are exempt from the new rules. What are the current flight and duty limitations for cargo carriers?

Cargo pilots are currently operating on the older 8 hours of rest between shifts which could be interrupted rest unlike their commercial pilot friends. 

3) Why do you feel that cargo carriers have been excluded from the new changes? Value of life? Public perception? Too much money for the carrier? Other reasons? All the above?

I think the reason that the rules have not been applied to cargo pilots is the simple fact that cargo pilots are not carrying paying passengers but are instead simply flying boxes and pallets around.  I think if the public know exactly how many hours cargo pilots worked with little rest they would call for change.  I do not think the reason is too much money for the carrier because these new rules have cost the commercial airlines additional money to be in compliance with the new rules.

4) Do you believe cargo carriers should be included in the new rules? Why or why not?

I do believe that cargo carriers should be included in the new rules for the simple fact that they fly the same type of aircraft as many of the commercial airlines. They are flying these aircraft over the general population and are flying into the same airports that commercial aircraft fly into. 

5) Finally, what would be the impact to your career if cargo carriers were to be included in these new rules - Pilots, address this from a pilot perspective, management address from a management perspective.

From a management perspective including these rules would cost the company some time and money.  There would have to be additional employees hired to fill in the spots that pilots would be required to rest.  Additionally there would be a need to change the company OpSpecs to reflect these new changes.


  1. I enjoyed reading managements point of view. I believe as well that it will cost carriers more money in the long run.

  2. Great post. Changing the rules would definitely cost the company more money by having to hire more crews to operate the same amount of flights. This would create more jobs, maybe.

  3. You bring up an interesting point - perhaps it is the public's lack of awareness of cargo operations that has led to an apathy about instituting similar rest rules.
