Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Career Goals

My career aspirations have not changed much since the beginning of the semester.  I still would like to become a manager at a smaller regional airport or the manager of a FBO that would be located at the same type of airport.  I enjoy spending my time around the airport watching airplanes take off and land, as well as helping customers at the airport.

I really enjoyed hearing all that Mark Johnson had to say because he is working in the same type of airport and same job that I see myself working at in a bit.  I had no idea all that goes into working as an airport manager and Mark was able to explain in detail all the tasks that he is responsible for.  I especially enjoyed hearing him discuss all the steps that went into the expansion of the airport and runway at Livingston County.  Furthermore I really enjoyed heard from the Air Traffic Controller who came to talk to us.  While it sounds like a very interesting and rewarding job, I was sad to hear that I am above the cutoff age that they start employment.  This class as really shown me all the different careers in aviation and that there are certainly more than one specific way to get where you want to be in the aviation industry.  Many times you have to be able to think outside the box and take advantage of any and all opportunities that come your way. 

My career goals for the next five years are to 1. Graduate from Eastern Michigan with my degree in Aviation Management and Flight Dispatcher’s certificate, 2. Join as many aviation organizations as possible, 3. Gain valuable experience in the management side of aviation, 4. Get into a Master’s program (possibly a MBA), and 5. Start the necessary steps to become a certified member of the American Association of Airport Executives. 


  1. Good plan getting a MBA, especially in the management side. AAAE is also a great organization to get involved with.

  2. Even though I am on the flight side of the house, I found Mark Johnson's brief were informative. I definitely think that is a job where you can make it what you want because you will only get out of it as much as you put in.

  3. Mark seems like he has an awesome job. I really enjoyed listening to his visit to our class. All the projects and thins he did to OZW are awesome. Best of luck, I like the plan.

  4. Mark was a great speaker. I really enjoyed hearing about how he improved OZW. It was also neat hearing all the road blocks and how he got around them.
